Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Anesthetic and Obstetric Management of High-Risk Pregnancy

This is the 3rd edition of a classic text which still represents the only multi-disciplinary approach to the evaluation and management of a high-risk pregnancy. Since most chapters are written by a 2-author team (an anesthesiologist and an obstetrician or fetologist), information will be efficiently formated, practical, and complete. Coverage will include causes of the health risk, pathophysiology, obstetric treatment written by an obstetrician, and anesthetic management written by an obstetric anesthesiologist. Chapters will include the latest procedures and most advanced technology. They will cover the parameters used to observe fetal well-being and deal with abnormal findings, regardless of the stage of development. Topics will extend through the delivery and post delivery periods.
It is a book that swings from supernumerary level to high end tertiary referral obstetric anaesthesia, however, the layout and clarity of headings make for easier reading than might be expected. For this reason it would sit extremely well on any departmental bookshelf for access by trainees and consultants alike. I would recommend updating since the previous edition. Some areas of controversy, such as cardio-respiratory and critical care medicine, have been thoroughly updated and ongoing areas of controversy, such as use of Swann–Ganz catheters, have both sides of the argument laid out.

Book details:
Author:Sanjay Datta
Publisher:Springer; 3 edition (January 9, 2004)
Size:6,3 MB
Format: pdf


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Surgery For Sleep Disordered Breathing

In recent years, the spectrum of therapy for sleep-related breathing disorders has been immensely enriched by numerous innovative surgical procedures and techniques. Deciding which therapy is most appropriate for which patient is often a difficult matter, especially in light of the non-surgical alternatives. This book analyses the efficiency of the recognised surgical procedures; it is rooted in evidence-based medicine. Indications, techniques, complications, and specific follow-up treatments in the realm of sleep medicine have been compiled in the form of a primer. The authors are directors of one of the largest otolaryngological sleep laboratories in the world and perform approximately 1,500 surgical sleep medicine procedures per year. The complete surgical and sleep medicine know-how of the authors, as well as the experience of numerous international courses on sleep surgery, have been incorporated into this volume. It is therefore the fundamental textbook for sleep medicine surgeons.
Chapter 1 :Sleep-Disordered Breathing
Chapter 2 :General Aspects of Therapy
Chapter 3 :Identifying the Site of Obstruction
Chapter 4 :Nasal Surgery
Chapter 5 :Nasopharyngeal Surgery
Chapter 6 :Palatal Surgery
Chapter 7 :Lower Pharyngeal Airway Procedures
Chapter 8 :Maxillofacial Surgeries
Chapter 9 :Laryngeal Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chapter 10:Multi-Level-Surgery
Chapter 11:Tracheotomy
Chapter 12:Bariatric Surgery
Chapter 13:Anesthesiologic Airway Management

Book details:
Author:Karl Hörmann, Thomas Verse

Publisher:Springer; 1 edition (December 31, 1999)





Sepsis, Kidney and Multiple Organ Dysfunction: 3rd International Course on Critical Care Nephrology

Multiple epidemiological studies have established and continue to emphasize
the fact that sepsis is the dominant syndrome in modern Intensive Care
Units. Severe sepsis occurs in approximately 50 to 100 cases/100,000 people/
year and is the most common cause of death in intensive care patients. Severe
sepsis and septic shock are now also the most common cause of kidney failure
in intensive care and the most common cause of severe kidney failure requiring
in general renal replacement therapy. This kind of kidney failure, however, is
rarely seen in isolation. Most commonly, it occurs as part of a syndrome of
multiple organ failure, where the kidney is one of several organ systems that
become profoundly dysfunctional. In this setting, vasodilatory shock is frequent,
mechanical ventilation is frequent and disorders of bone marrow function,
acid-base balance, gastrointestinal activity and cerebral function are
common. Thus, severe sepsis links kidney function, multiple organ function and
patient outcome from the start to the end.

1-Epidemiology and Pathogenesis of ARF, Sepsis and MOF
Acute Renal Failure in the Critically Ill: Impact on Morbidity
and Mortality
Acute Renal Failure in the Intensive Care Unit. Risk Factors
Pathophysiology of Ischemic Acute Renal Failure. Inflammation, Lung-Kidney
Cross-Talk, and Biomarkers
Pathophysiology of Sepsis and Multiple Organ Failure: Pro- versus
Anti-Inflammatory Aspects
Tropical Acute Renal Failure

2-The Critically Ill Patients: Pathological Mechanisms
Mechanisms Underlying Combined Acute Renal Failure and Acute
Lung Injury in the Intensive Care Unit
Cytokine Single Nucleotide Polymorphism. Role in Acute Renal Failure
Mechanisms of Immunodysregulation in Sepsis
Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Base
Goals of Resuscitation from Circulatory Shock
Intravenous Fluids and Acid-Base Balance
Glucose Control in the Critically Ill
Dysnatremias in the Critical Care Setting
3-Pharmacological Issues in ARF and Sepsis
Rasburicase Therapy in Acute Hyperuricemic Renal Dysfunction
Diuretics in Acute Renal Failure?
How to Manage Vasopressors in Acute Renal Failure and Septic Shock
4-Practical Aspects of CRRT
Management of Vascular Catheters for Acute Renal
Replacement Therapy
Relationship between Blood Flow,Access Catheter and
5-Circuit Failure during CRRT:A Practical Review
Renal Replacement Therapy in the ICU: Consensus and Recommendations
from ADQI
CRRT: Selection of Patients and Starting Criteria
Fluid Composition for CRRT
Anticoagulation for Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Which Treatment for ARF in ICU?
Peritoneal Dialysis in Acute Renal Failure of Adults:
6-The Under-Utilized Modality
Intermittent Hemodialysis for Acute Renal Failure
7-Patients – An Update
Continuous Renal Replacement Techniques
Hybrid Renal Replacement Therapies for Critically Ill Patients
Pediatric Acute Renal Failure: Demographics and Treatment
Technical Aspects of CRRT
Vascular Access for Extracorporeal Renal Replacement Therapy
in the Intensive Care Unit
Anticoagulation in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Replacement and Dialysate Fluids for Patients with Acute Renal
Failure Treated by Continuous Veno-Venous Haemofiltration
and/or Haemodiafiltration
8-CRRT Information Technology
A Practical Tool for Determining the Adequacy of Renal Replacement
9-Therapy in Acute Renal Failure Patients
New Frontiers in the Management of ARF, MOF and Sepsis
How to Approach Sepsis Today?
High Volume Hemofiltration in Critically Ill Patients:
Why,When and How?
Coupled Plasma Filtration Adsorption: Rationale,Technical
Development and Early Clinical Experience
Plasmapheresis in Sepsis

Book details:
Author:Ronco, C.Bellomo, R; Brendolan, A

Publisher:S. Karger AG, Basel


Size:3,14 MB



Vocal Fold Paralysis

New therapeutic options and approaches have been developed based on an expanded knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology of vocal fold paralysis. The core of Vocal Fold Paralysis offers step-by-step descriptions and of the following therapies: vocal fold injection, medialization laryngoplasty, and arytenoid repositioning surgery. It also includes special topics such as reinnervation, vocal fold pacing, bilateral medialization, and pediatric and bilateral vocal fold paralysis. Vocal Fold Paralysis is a clinically useful reference for evaluation and treatment, as well as a summary of current knowledge and investigational approaches. This excellent guide fills a void within the field of otolaryngology and should not be missed by any otorhinolaryngologist, neurologist, phoniatrician or speech pathologist.

Book details:
Author:Sulica L, Blitzer A

Publisher:Springer; 1 edition (March 21, 2006)


Size:4,384 MB



The Gist of Emergency Medicine

The Gist of Emergency Medicine is just that. This concise little book grew from a collection of notes written by the author to help him pass the American Board exams. Since then it has grown to fill a niche for candidates wishing to brush up on the essentials as they prepare for their own emergency medicine (EM) qualifying exams. But The Gist does more than exam preparation. It is full of wise tips for dealing with patients during busy shifts, and it prompted me to perform a mental self-assessment.The "Gist of Emergency Medicine" began as a one-page outline by Dr. Hebb in 1987 when he was preparing to take the oral board examination in Emergency Medicine. By 1990, the single page worksheet had become a hobby of passionate dedication and was now a short but comprehensive "overview" of the specialty of Emergency Medicine. Not only could one use the "book" to study for the oral boards, by now it was also possible to review the entire specialty to freshen the neuronal synapses after a vacation or scan the treatment for a disease or condition encountered while working your "shift."
Dr. Hebb on one hand uses our philosophers (and his own philosophy) to place our specialty in perspective - such as Demming's words "it is so easy to be wise after the event, and condemn as negligence that which is a misadventure". On the other hand, we are treated to a new, useful set of bedside treatment mnemonics such as "AACBC - FUNM - GTAAFF - HPD

Book details:
Author:Micheal Hebb, M.D
Publisher:Adam Hebb


Size:624 KB



Saturday, February 17, 2007

Advances in Vagal Afferent Neurobiology (Methods and New Frontiers in Neuroscience)

Advances in Vagal Afferent Neurobiology takes a comprehensive approach in which all aspects of the vagal afferent system are considered from the terminals in the visceral tissues to the neural pathways within the central nervous system. Within this contextual framework, the book reviews the development, neurochemistry, anatomy, biophysics, pharmacology, and physiology of the vagal afferent nerves. The authors present experimental techniques used to investigate the development, morphology, electrophysiology, and reflex function of the vagal afferent nerves. The book includes state-of-the-art reviews of vagal afferent neurobiology by some of the world's leading experts in these fields.

Book details:
Author:Bradley J. Undem and Daniel Weinreich
Publisher:CRC (June 1, 2005)


Size:10,853 MB





US Army medical course - Sterile Procedures

A cardinal rule in the medical field is to not do more harm than good to the casualty. This is the reason we must be careful to protect the patient from infection or disease while attempting to treat him. There are times in combat situations when you may not have the time to wash your hands or to wear gloves and mask as you work with the casualty. This is understandable. You must work quickly to help the casualty.
This subcourse discusses communicable diseases and how they are transmitted, medical asepsis, surgical asepsis, the purposes of dressings, types of dressing materials, how to change a sterile dressing, and how to irrigate a wound.
Course Components:
This course consists of five lessons. The lessons are:
Lesson 1. Communicable Diseases
Lesson 2. Medical Asepsis.
Lesson 3. Surgical Asepsis and Sterile Technique.
Lesson 4. Procedures Used in Wound Care.
Lesson 5. Isolation.

Book details:
Author:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School

Publisher:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School


Size:703 KB



US Army - Medical course - Special Surgical Procedures I

Any patient who is scheduled to have surgery poses special challenges to
personnel entrusted with his care. Every procedure done by (OR) operating room
personnel for the patient's operation--from the preoperative skin prep to final closure of the incision--requires thorough mastery of many precision techniques and
uncompromising attention to detail in order to safeguard the patient. While in the OR, the patient is cared for by a highly trained team that must function as a unit if the
patient's best interest is to be served. You, the OR specialist, are a member of this
team. Many demands are placed upon the OR specialist whether he is assigned as the
scrub, circulator, or in some other capacity. Various factors, including the individual
situation and the clinical specialty into which the surgery is classified, influence the
actions expected and required of the OR specialist.
The purpose of this subcourse is to familiarize you with the roles of the OR
specialist in the preparation for and performance of a number of special surgical
Course Components:
This course consists of five lessons. The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1: Procedures in Preparing the Patient.
Lesson 2: Procedures in Preparing Materials.
Lesson 3: Procedures in Anesthesia and Parenteral Therapy.
Lesson 4: Procedures in General Surgery.
Lesson 5: Procedures in Orthopedics.

Book details:
The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School
Publisher: The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School
Size:1.961 MB



US Army medical course - Basic Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is the professional language of those who are directly or
indirectly engaged in the art of healing. You will need to know medical terms in order to read a medical record, to complete forms, to decipher a physician's handwriting, and to communicate with others in the hospital in a professional manner.
At first, the medical terms may seem strange and bewildering to you and appear to
be extremely difficult to learn. Fortunately, there is a logical method found in medical
terminology. Many of the words used in medicine are made up of parts which are also
used in other words. Once you know the meanings of the basic parts of the words, you can put them together to understand the meanings of many medical terms. These basic parts of medical terms are called stems, prefixes, and suffixes. During this course, you will learn to identify and define a stem, a prefix, and a suffix. You will also learn how they are used in combination to describe a medical term.

Course Components:
This course consists of 4 lessons and an examination. The lessons are:
Lesson 1, Introduction to Programmed Learning.
Lesson 2, Stems Pertaining to Medical Terminology.
Lesson 3, Prefixes Pertaining to Medical Terminology.
Lesson 4, Suffixes Pertaining to Medical Terminology.

Book details:
Author:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School

Publisher:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School


Size:1,082 MB



US Army medical course - Chest & Airway Problems

In this course, you will study chest and airway problems. Chest trauma refers
to general information about chest injuries as well as information about specific chest
injuries. Airway problems includes information on devices--the esophageal obturator
airway (EOA), the esophageal gastric tube airway (EGTA), and the endotracheal tube
(ET)--that can be used to open and maintain an airway. If other life-saving methods are not successful in opening and maintaining an airway, an opening is made in the tracheato bypass the site of an upper airway obstruction. This subject matter is of vital importance in saving lives.
course Components:
The subcourse instructional material consists of four lessons as follows:
Lesson 1, Chest Trauma.
Lesson 2, Airway Management.
Lesson 3, Cricothyroidotomy.

Book details:
Author:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School

Publisher:The U.S. Army Medical Department Center and School


Size:714 KB



Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction:: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine)

Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms will provide a timely and long lasting guide for investigators in the fields of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology, pulmonary vascular disease, high-altitude physiology and medicine. In addition, it provides a solid scientific foundation for subsequent applications in clinical practice.
The volume is divided into eight sections:
- Physiology and Pathophysiology of HPV
- Role of Intracellular Ca2+ and Ca2+ sensitivity in HPV
- Role of Ion Channels in HPV
- Role of the Endothelium in HPV
- Mechanisms of Oxygen Sensing in the Pulmonary Vasculature
- Oxygen-Sensing Mechanisms in other Organs and Tissues
- Pathology and Mechanisms of Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Hypertension
- Experimental Models for the Study of HPV.

State-of-the-art findings relevant to cellular and molecular processes of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction as well as knowledge regarding etiological mechanisms and experimental therapeutics are well covered and complete the overview this volume provides.

Book details:
Author:Jason X.-J. Yuan

Publisher:Springer; 1 edition (April 30, 2004)


Size:15,350 MB




Marriott's Practical Electrocardiography

For over four decades the Marriott name has been a synonym for quality education in electrocardiography. As Practical Electrocardiography's new author, Galen Wagner proved a worthy successor to Barney Marriott with an innovative Ninth Edition of this classic text. The new Tenth Edition features two-color ECGs so readers can see ECG strips as they appear in clinical practice. Extensive updates to chapters on ischemia and infarction provide a current view of these critical areas. The text is revised with more consistent terminology, and a complete approach to the topic that gives the reader a better understanding of electrocardiography in today's medicine.

Book details:
Author:Galen S. Wagner, MD

Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 10th edition (January 15, 2001)

Size:1,71 MB



Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Emergency Care for Children: Growing Pains (Future of Emergency Care)

Children represent a special challenge for emergency care providers, because they have unique medical needs in comparison to adults. For decades, policy makers and providers have recognized the special needs of children, but the system has been slow to develop an adequate response to their needs. This is in part due to inadequacies within the broader emergency care system. Emergency Care for Children examines the challenges associated with the provision of emergency services to children and families and evaluates progress since the publication of the Institute of Medicine report Emergency Medical Services for Children (1993), the first comprehensive look at pediatric emergency care in the United States. This new book offers an analysis of: The role of pediatric emergency services as an integrated component of the overall health system.
System-wide pediatric emergency care planning, preparedness, coordination, and funding.
Pediatric training in professional education.
Research in pediatric emergency care.
Emergency Care for Children is one of three books in the Future of Emergency Care series. This book will be of particular interest to emergency health care providers, professional organizations, and policy makers looking to address the pediatric deficiencies within their emergency care systems.

Book details:
Author:Committee on the Future of Emergency Care in the United States Health System
Publisher:National Academy Press
Size:1,9 MB


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tracheostomy: A Multi-Professional Handbook

Tracheostomy: A Multi-Professional Handbook is written by a multidisciplinary team of authors to give a unique perspective of this increasingly widely-used technique and which will support research-based care and management and deliver patient-focused rehabilitation. It covers everything from the basics of tracheostomy, through the indications for tracheostomy and all aspects of pre-, peri- and postoperative care of the patient. The latter forms a large part of the book, and focuses on issues of importance to a broad spectrum of healthcare professionals, such as how patient communication is affected by the technique and how optimum wound care during tracheostomy is best achieved, as well as the practical aspects and problems encountered with speech, swallowing and general rehabilitation, nutrition, weaning and decannulation, long-term tracheostomy, tracheostomy in children, and an important chapter on emergency tracheostomy techniques.

Book details:
Author:Claudia Russell,Basil Matta
Publisher:Greenwich Medical Media (April 5, 2004)
Size:2,91 MB


Friday, February 9, 2007

Operating Department Practice A-Z

"(This book) is an essential purchase for ODPs, as well as being a handy quick reference for medical students and a useful information source for recovery/theatre nurses.
" The Operating Theatre Journal.
Like many parts of the world, the UK is witnessing significant changes to Operating Department Practice (ODP) education, a change that is bringing with it the need for new publications aimed specifically at the operating department practitioner. The Operating Department Practice A-Z follows a familiar ‘dictionary-like’ format to present alphabetically the key topics of interest to ODPs in training and in practice. Each entry has its own detailed explanation and the book has a user-friendly format to allow rapid access to information. It is an essential purchase for ODPs, as well as being a handy quick reference for medical students and a useful information source for recovery/theatre nurses.

Book details:
Author: Brian Smith,Tom Williams
Publisher:Greenwich Medical Media; 1 edition (Mar 4 2004)
Size:1,o1 MB


Neurological Emergencies 4th Edition

An up to date guide to the pathogenesis and management of common emergencies in neurology (acute stroke, tonic-clonic status epilepticus), neurosurgery (traumatic brain injury, raised intracranial pressure, subarachnoid haemorrhage, acute spinal cord compression) and related specialties such as medicine (medical coma), intensive care (acute neuromuscular respiratory paralysis, brain stem death), infectious diseases (cerebral infection), ophthalmology (acute visual loss) and psychiatry (delirium, acute behaviour disturbance). The volume complements a small series of related titles from the same publishers on epidemiology, investigation and management of neurological disorders.
'Should be read by those who decide initial management of neurological emergencies.

Book details:
Author:Richard A.C. Hughes

Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Limited; 4 edition (August 1, 2003)


Size:2,737 MB



ABC of Intensive Care [ILLUSTRATED]

Intensive care is often perceived as a forbidding and intimidating environment with critically ill patients being surrounded by a plethora of sophisticated monitoring equipment. This book aims to provide an introduction to the workings of the specialty and to demystify intensive care for the interested beginner. Edited by leading authorities in the field, it covers the key aspects of intensive care organisation, technology, practice and ethics. Full of concise, practical information and illustrated with excellent colour photographs, chapters include:- Criteria for admission- Organ dysfunction- Outcome data and scoring systems- Withdrawal of care- Transport of the critically ill patient- RecoveryThe ABC of Intensive Care will be an invaluable introduction to the subject for junior doctors, intensive care specialists and nurses.

Book details:
Author: Ian Grant
Publisher:Blackwell Publishing Limited; 4 edition (December 15, 1999)


Size:1,385 MB



Saturday, February 3, 2007

Barash - Clinical Anesthesia 4th edition

This unique, comprehensive textbook has been completely revised and updated in the Third Edition. Internationally recognized experts in the field share their knowledge and insight into the principles and practice of modern anesthesiology, emphasizing cost-effective delivery of anesthesia, regional anesthesia, and pain management. New chapters include: Practice Management; Risk Management, Quality Improvement, and Professional Liability; Value Based Anesthesia Management; Malignant Hyperthermia and Other Inherited Disorders; Delivery Systems for Inhaled Anesthetics; Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Surgery; Monitored Anesthesia Care; and Anesthesia for Non-Operative Procedures.

Book details:
Authors: MD Paul G. Barash (Editor),
MD Bruce F. Cullen (Editor),
MD Robert K. Stoelting (Editor)
pages: 1576 pages
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 0781722683
Format: pdf ,pdb and compiled HTML help file
Size: 17.2MB(pdb),60MB(compiled HTML help file) &15 MB(pdf)

Compiled HTML help file:

pdf Format:

Pdb Format:

mirror( the book without images)

Friday, February 2, 2007

Peripheral Nerve Blocks: A Color Atlas, 2nd Edition

Thoroughly updated and greatly expanded for its Second Edition, this best-selling full-color atlas is a step-by-step guide to performing peripheral nerve blocks. For each nerve block, the book provides detailed information about indications, patient positioning, needle selection, drug selection and volume, anatomic landmarks, approach, and technique and offers tips for maximizing effectiveness and minimizing complications. Full-color clinical photographs and line art demonstrate anatomic landmarks, patient positioning, and techniques.
This edition features expanded coverage of the pharmacology of local anesthetics, a new section on pain blocks, and increased emphasis on continuous infusion blocks and pediatric peripheral nerve blocks. New chapters on upper and lower extremity innervation and facial blocks are also included.
Good atlas of regional anaesthesia

Book details:
Author:Chelly , Jacques E

Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2nd edition (September 1, 2003)
Size:56 MB
Format: compiled HTML help file
