This uniquely readable, compact, and concise monograph lays a foundation of knowledge of the underlying concepts of normal cardiovascular function. Students welcome the book's broad overview as a practical partner or alternative to a more mechanistically oriented approach or an encyclopedic physiology text. Especially clear explanations, ample illustrations, a helpful glossary of terms, tutorials, and chapter-opening learning objectives provide superb guidance for self-directed learning and help fill the gap in many of today's abbreviated physiology blocks. A focus on well-establish- ed cardiovascular principles reflects recent, widely accepted cardiovascular research.
The textbook consists of nine chapters (235 pages, 123 illustrations). Each chapter begins with an outline and a list of learning objectives. Chapters contain problems and clinical cases that reinforce physiologic principles. Each chapter concludes with a summary of key concepts followed by self-assessment questions in a multiple choice format. The answers, with explanations, are found in the appendix.
The textbook chapter headings are listed below:
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Cardiovascular System
Chapter 2 Electrical Activity of the Heart
Chapter 3 Cellular Structure and Function
Chapter 4 Cardiac Function
Chapter 5 Vascular Function
Chapter 6 Neurohumoral Control of the Heart and Circulation
Chapter 7 Organ Blood Flow
Chapter 8 Exchange Function of the Microcirculation
Chapter 9 Cardiovascular Integration and Adaptation
Book details:
Author: Dr. Richard E Klabunde
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2004
Size:6.262 MB
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