Saturday, July 28, 2007

Medical Emergency Teams: Implementation and Outcome Measurement

Medical Emergency Teams: A Manual for Preventing Preventable Hospital Deaths addresses the problem of patient safety and quality of care; the logistics of creating a MET (resource allocation, process design, workflow, and training); the implementation of a MET (organizational issues, challenges); and the evaluation of program results. Based on successful MET models that have resulted in reduced in-hospital cardiac arrest and overall hospital death rates, this book is the first practical guide for physicians, hospital administrators, and other healthcare professionals who wish to initiate a MET program within their own institutions.

Book details:
Author:A. Grenvik,Michael A. DeVita,Kenneth Hillman,Rinaldo Bellomo
Publisher:Springer; 1 edition (December 8, 2005)
Size: 1,766 MB


Pain and Sedation Management in the 21st Century Emergency Department, An Issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics

This book extensively reviews the increased understanding and development of pain and sedation management in the emergency department. Articles address measuring pain; changing physician and nurse attitudes about pain; the drug-seeking patient; aberrant drug-related behaviors; managing chronic pain in the acute care setting; painful dilemmas; pain in the pediatric population; prehospital pain management; basic pharmacological advances; placebo use; and future directions.
1. Prehospital Pain Management (McManus and Sallee)
2. Pain and Sedation Management in the Pediatric Population (Harrison and Bauman)
3. Our Increasing Understanding of the Pathophysiology of Pain (Fink)
4. Measuring Pain and Clinically Relevant Outcomes in Pain Control (Todd)
5. Changing Physician and Nurse Attitudes about Pain and Pain Control (Fosnocht)
6. Managing Chronic Pain in the Acute Care Setting (Hansen)
7. The Mystique of the Drug-Seeking Patient – Understanding the Difference Between Addiction and Pseudo-Addiction and Which Behaviors are Suggestive of Aberrant Drug-Related Behaviors (Hansen)
8. Painful Dilemmas (Linklater and Pemberton)
9. Basic Pharmacological and Advances in Pain Management (Innes and Zed)
10. Future Directions in Pain Management (Ducharme)
11. Local Anesthetics and Common Blocks Used in the Emergency Department (Crystal and Blankenship)
12. Adult Procedural Sedation and Its Controversies (Holt)
13. Establishing an Emergency Department Pain Management System (Richards)
14. Toxicology and Pain Medical Use (Miller)
15. Risk Management Issues in Pain Management (Lawrence)
16. Field and Wilderness Pain Management (Wedmore)

Book details:
Author:John McManus, Benjamin Harrison,
Publisher: Saunders
Pages: 240
Size: 3,716 MB


Friday, July 27, 2007

Legal and Ethical Aspects of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine

Clinical decisions in modern medical practice are increasingly influenced by ethical and legal issues, but few doctors have been formally trained in medical law and ethics, and are unsure of potential sources of accessible information, which leaves them exposed to public criticism and the threat of legal action. Perioperative medicine and critical care are, by their very nature, subjects in which issues of autonomy, dignity, consent, confidentiality, medical research, life and death decision making, and the rationing of health care resources are ever-present. This book provides a straightforward but comprehensive one-stop reference and should be essential reading for all medical and allied health care professionals who encounter ethicolegal problems during their management of patients.

Book details:
Author:Stuart M. White. University Hospital Trust, Sussex. Timothy J. Baldwin
Publisher:Greenwich Medical Media (January 17, 2005)


Mayo Clinic Analgesic Pathway: Peripheral Nerve Blockade for Major Orthopedic Surgery

Resolving to expedite the recovery process, this reference describes a comprehensive multimodal approach to intraoperative regional anesthesia and postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing major lower extremity orthopedic surgery-spanning the entire selection of regional anesthesia equipment, strategies in pain management, and practical treatment guidelines for the management of inpatient and ambulatory peripheral nerve catheters.

Table Of Contents
Section I: Principles of Lower Extremity Peripheral Nerve Block 1 (32)
1. Neural Anatomy
2. Dermatomes and Osteotomes
3. Preoperative Assessment and Monitoring
4. Techniques and Equipment for Neural Localization
5. Selection of Local Anesthetic and Adjuvants
6. Neurologic Complications
Section II: Lumbar Plexus Block 33 (32)
7. Psoas Compartment Approach
8. Fascia Iliaca Approach
9. Femoral Nerve Block
10. Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve Block
11. Obturator Nerve Block
12. Saphenous Nerve Blocks
Section III: Sciatic Nerve Block 65 (36)
13. Classic Posterior Approach of Labat
14. Parasacral Approach
15. Subgluteal Approach
16. Anterior Approach
17. Lateral Popliteal Approach
18. Posterior Popliteal Approach
19. Ankle Block
Section IV: Mayo Clinic Analgesic Pathway 101
20. Mayo Clinic Total Joint Anesthesia and Analgesic Pathway
21. Regional Anesthesia and Analgesia in the Patient Receiving Thromboprophylaxis
22. Management of Inpatient Peripheral Nerve Catheters
23. Management of Ambulatory Peripheral Nerve Catheters
24. Nursing Management of Peripheral Nerve Catheters
25. Future Directions

Book details:
Author:Lennon, Robert L.
Publisher:Mayo Clinic Sci
Size: 2,239 MB


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Textbook of Critical Care (Textbook of Critical Care (Shoemaker)"updated"

A completely new editorial team presents a radical revision to this leading critical care text, previously edited by Shoemaker et al. The New Edition delivers today's best coverage of both adult and paediatric critical care, with contributions from an impressive roster of world experts. In addition to numerous new chapters and many extensively rewritten ones, it features a completely new section on commonly encountered problems and a new, more user-friendly organisaWhat's more, it is also now available in a multimedia TM package that combines the book with access to a fully searchable, continuously updated web site.The book takes a very practical approach to clinical problems, and the way in which the chapters are arranged allows for a quick and easy reference in the intensive care setting. This text would be helpful to have on the shelf of every intensive care unit."Journal of Vascular Surgery
Covers both adult and paediatric critical care
Features the authority of the top names in critical care from around the world, including an outstanding new editorial team as well as authors who are among the most highly respected researchers, instructors, and clinicians in the field .

Book details:
Author:Fink, Abraham, Vincent & Kochanek
Publisher:Saunders; 5 edition (January 10, 2005)
Size:345 MB


Friday, July 20, 2007

Chronic Pain and Family: A Clinical Perspective

Over the past two decades attention to family issues in relation to chronic pain has been on the rise. There has been a proliferation of research and clinical literature in the field since the first major review on this topic was conducted in 1982. However, no comprehensive review book has been published. Generally speaking, the role of the family in chronic pain literature has been reported from four perspectives: (1) family factors in the etiology of chronic pain; (2) role of spouse in the perpetuation of pain behaviors; (3) impact of chronic pain on family functioning and on the health of spouse and children; and (4) family therapy for these families. The main thrust of this book will be the issues of impact on the family and therapy. The broader literature of family issues in medical disorders will be incorporated into the body of the book to allow the reader to become familiar with some of the common problems shared by medically ill and chronic pain families and many problems that appear to be specifically associated with chronic pain. The book will offer clinical guidelines in conducting family assessment and couple and family therapy for these patients. This book will not be simply an update, but will adopt a fresh approach to this complex clinical area. The book will have 10 chapters. Each chapter will report the current state of knowledge through a comprehensive review of the most recent literature, and discuss relevant clinical issues through extensive use of case illustrations. The chapters will be designed to bring the reader up to date on the literature as well as provide clinical guidelines for practice.

book details:
Author: Ranjan Roy
Publisher:Springer; 1 edition (March 7, 2006)
Size:925 KB
Format: pdf


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Acute Medicine: A Handbook for Nurse Practitioners

This book provides Nurse Practitioners working in the field of Acute Medicine with an up to date, practical, and comprehensive guide to the management of acute medical patients. It serves as a text from which the busy highly skilled nurse can obtain information on assessment, diagnosis, and management of acute medical conditions. It identifies priorities for treatment and guides the reader through the management of the patient. Wherever possible the latest published guidelines have been included. The final chapter of the book considers the legal, professional and ethical issues faced by nurses working at an advanced level. The issues of role development, the development of protocols and prescribing are considered.
Acute Medicine – A Handbook for Nurse Practitionersis an up-to-date, practical and comprehensive guide, offering invaluable information and advice on the management of acute medical conditions. Key features include:
Assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of the most acute medical conditions
A guide through the management of the patient and identification of priorities for treatment
Legal, professional and ethical issues faced by nurses working at an advanced level
Role development
The development of protocols and prescribing
Examples of Clinical Management Plans for the supplementary prescriber and Patient Group Directions to support practice
Written by an experienced Consultant Nurse in Acute Medicine, this engaging book will serve as a text from which the busy and highly skilled nurse can refer to for information on assessment, diagnosis and management of acute medical conditions.

Chapter 1 – Assessment.
A step by step approach to history taking.
The functional enquiry.

Physical examination.
The cardiovascular examination.
The respiratory examination.
The abdominal examination.
The neurological examination.
Psychiatric history and examination.

Chapter 2 – Emergencies.

The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Acute anaphylaxis.
Cardio-respiratory arrest.

Chapter 3 – Acute poisoning and drug overdose.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Paracetamol overdose.
Aspirin overdose.
Tricyclic overdose.
Alcohol overdose.
Alcohol withdrawal.
Drug withdrawal.

Chapter 4 – Infection.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Sepsis and septic shock.
Infective endocarditis.
Urinary Tract Infection.
Fever in the returning traveller.
Hot swollen joints.

Chapter 5 – Respiratory conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
Pulmonary Embolism.
Community Acquired Pneumonia.
Hospital Acquired Pneumonia.
Type I Respiratory Failure.
Type II Respiratory Failure.

Chapter 6 – Cardiovascular conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Acute Coronary Syndromes.
Acute Myocardial Infarction.
Atrial Fibrillation.
Cardiac Failure.
Deep Vein Thrombosis.
Aortic dissection.
Cardiac tamponade.

Chapter 7 – Gastrointestinal conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
Acute liver failure and encephalopathy.
Ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease.

Chapter 8 – Metabolic conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Diabetic Ketoacidosis.
Non-Ketotic Hyperosmolar Coma.
Hyperglycaemia in the critically ill patient.
Addisonian crisis.
Thyroid crisis.
Myxedema crisis.

Chapter 9 – Neurological conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Status Epilepticus.
Isolated seizure and unexplained loss of consciousness.
Subarachnoid haemorrhage.

Chapter 10 – Renovascular conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Acute Renal Failure.
Accelerated (malignant) hypertension.

Chapter 11 – Elderly Care.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:

Chapter 12 – Haematological conditions.
The assessment, investigation, diagnosis and management of:
Severe anaemia.
Sickle cell crisis.
Neutropenic sepsis.
Blood transfusion guidance.

Chapter 13 – Advanced Practice.
Legal, ethical and professional issues.
Informed consent.
Assessment of capacity.
Role Development.
Examples of:.
Clinical Management Plans.
Patient Group Directions.

Book details:
Author:Lisa Carroll
Publisher:Wiley; 1 edition (April 27, 2007)
Size: 1,747 MB


Monday, July 9, 2007

Trauma: Emergency Resuscitation, Perioperative Anesthesia, Surgical Management, Volume I

Produced by a world renowned team of trauma specialists, this source reviews initial management considerations beginning in the pre-hospital phase, continues through the primary and secondary surveys of the hospital-based evaluation process, and proceeds to the perioperative management of trauma, burns, and associated conditions. This reference provides practical and expertly written chapters that specifically focus on problems unique to the trauma patient and delve into issues affecting future research and management perspectives.
Volume 1 focuses on initial management and is divided into sections that mirror the continuum of care, including prehospital, resuscitation suite, and perioperative management. The prehospital section includes chapters on trauma mechanisms, epidemiology, scoring and triage, and transport. The authors acknowledge that optimal management algorithms for this early phase of care can differ based on the setting (urban/rural) and the prevailing geographical, political, and financial conditions. Hospitalbased components of management (e.g., primary survey, secondary survey, etc.) are meticulously reviewed, including: specific chapters on the critical elements of care (e.g.,airway management, fluid therapy, etc.). The perioperative section details the anesthetic and surgical priorities, but surgical technical details are minimized in favor of global management guidelines, which are important to all members of the care team. Important trauma-related conditions are also fully reviewed.

Book details:
Author:William C Wilson, Christopher M Grande, David B Hoyt
Publisher: Informa Healthcare
Size:19,3 MB
Format: pdf

Related Books:

Trauma: Critical Care, Volume II

Compiled by internationally recognized experts in trauma critical care, this source discusses the entire gamut of critical care management of the trauma patient and covers several common complications and conditions treated in surgical intensive care units that are not specifically related to trauma. Utilizing evidence-based guidelines where they exist, this all-encompassing source expertly analyzes procedures in analgesia and sedation, patient monitoring, infection control, nutritional evaluation, psychological support, and end-of-life care.
This source addresses critical care and emergency practices and technologies for trauma and surgical conditions affecting all areas of the body. Presented in a logical systems based format, reviewing the nervous, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems, among others, this source
outlines equipment to monitor the brain and spinal cord, hemodynamics, and renal function
provides a step-by-step approach to perform a TEE examination
supplies an overview of seven goals that must be achieved to wean patients from mechanical ventilation
studies the role of physical and occupational therapy in critical care
considers religious and cultural differences in brain death and end-of-life care BOTH VOLUMES IN THE SET:
contain chapters that open with a brief outline of the contents, as well as highlight key points throughout the text and summarize crucial information at the end of each chapter
illustrate key concepts with an extensive use of tables and figures
offer an Eye to the Future section in each chapter, considering the impact of new technologies on future trauma care
describe numerous evidence-based strategies that have led to improved outcomes and decreased hospital stay for trauma and critically ill patients

Book details:
Author:William C. Wilson,Christopher M. Grande,David B. Hoyt
Publisher:INFRMA-HC; 1 edition (February 5, 2007)
Size:22,358 MB


The 5-Minute Pain Management Consult (The 5-Minute Consult Series)

This new addition to The 5-Minute Consult Series is a clinically oriented quick-consult reference for pain management. More than 150 conditions associated with pain and concomitant mental health diagnoses are thoroughly and concisely presented in the famous fast-access 5-Minute Consult format. Each entry briefly describes the condition and presents succinct, bulleted facts under boldface headings: basics (epidemiology, risk factors, pathophysiology, etiology, prevention, associated conditions); diagnosis (signs and symptoms, history, physical exam, lab tests, imaging, differential diagnosis); treatment (medications, surgery); and follow-up (prognosis, issues for referral). Each entry includes ICD9-CM and CPT codes. Two Tables of Contents—one alphabetical and one organized by organ system—allow quick look-up of topics.

Book details:
Author:David M Sibell MD; Jeffrey R Kirsch MD
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1 edition (September 1, 2006)
Size:1,619 MB
Format:Compiled HTML help file (chm)


Friday, July 6, 2007

The ICU Book (3rd edition)

This best-selling resource provides a general overview and basic information for all adult intensive care units. The material is presented in a brief and quick-access format which allows for topic and exam review. It provides enough detailed and specific information to address most all questions and problems that arise in the ICU. Emphasis on fundamental principles in the text should prove useful for patient care outside the ICU as well. New chapters in this edition include hyperthermia and hypothermia syndromes; infection control in the ICU; and severe airflow obstruction. Sections have been reorganized and consolidated when appropriate to reinforce concepts. Purchase of The ICU Book, Third Edition gives you free access to a Website featuring links from references to PubMed, updated regularly; and a directory of Websites handpicked by Dr. Marino.

Basic Science Review
Circulatory blood flow
Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport
Preventive Practices in the Critically Ill
Infection control in the ICu
Alimentary prophylaxis
Venous thromboembolism
Vascular Access
Establishing venous access
The indwelling vascular catheter
Hemodynamic Monitoring
Arterial blood pressure
The pulmonary artery catheter
Central venous pressure and wedge pressure
Tissue oxygenation
Disorders of Circulatory Flow
Hemorrhage and hypovolemia
Colloid and crystalloid resuscitation
Acute heart failure syndromes
Cardiac arrest
Hemodynamic drug infusions
Critical Care Cardiology
Early management of acute coronary syndromes
Acute Respiratory Failure
Hypoxemia and hypercapnia
Oximetry and capnography
Oxygen inhalation therapy
Acute respiratory distress syndrome
Severe airflow obstruction
Mechanical Ventilation
Principles of mechanical ventilation
Modes of assisted ventilation
The ventilator-dependent patient
Discontinuing mechanical ventilation
Acid-Base Disorders
Acid-base interpretations
Organic acidoses
Metabolic alkalosis
Renal and Electrolyte Disorders
Oliguria and acute renal failure
Hypertonic and hypotonic syndromes
Calcium and phosphorus
Transfusion Practices in Critical Care
Anemia and red blood cell transfusions in the ICU
Platelets in critical illness
Disorders of Body Temperature
Hyperthermia and hypothermia syndromes
Fever in the ICU
Inflammation and Infection in the ICU
Infection, inflammation, and multiorgan injury
Pneumonia in the ICU
Sepsis from the abdomen and pelvis
The immunocompromised patient
Antimicrobial therapy
Nutrition and Metabolism
Metabolic substrate requirements
Enteral tube feeding
Parenteral nutrition
Adrenal and thyroid dysfunction
Critical Care Neurology
Analgesia and sedation
Disorders of mentation
Disorders of movement
Stroke and related disorders
Toxic Ingestions
Pharmaceutical toxins and antidotes

Book details:
Author:Paul L Marino,Kenneth M Sutin
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (September 2006)
Size: 9,717 MB

Download(2nd Edition)
Download(3rd edition)

Clinical Anesthesiology 4th Edition (software)

Clinical Anesthesiology integrates succinct coverage of basic principles and clinical considerations in the anesthetic management of patients. It features up-to-date discussion of all relevant areas within anesthesiology, including equipment, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, pathophysiology, pain management, anesthetic management, and critical care. Extensive use of case discussions, figures, and tables in each chapter promotes application of the concepts to practice.

Chapter 1. The Practice of Anesthesiology

Section I: Anesthetic Equipment & Monitors
Chapter 2. The Operating Room: Medical Gas Systems, Environmental Factors, & Electrical Safety
Chapter 3. Breathing Systems
Chapter 4. The Anesthesia Machine
Chapter 5. Airway Management
Chapter 6. Patient Monitors

Section II. Clinical Pharmacology
Chapter 7. Inhalation Anesthetics
Chapter 8. Nonvolatile Anesthetic Agents
Chapter 9. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
Chapter 10. Cholinesterase Inhibitors
Chapter 11. Anticholinergic Drugs
Chapter 12. Adrenergic Agonists & Antagonists
Chapter 13. Hypotensive Agents
Chapter 14. Local Anesthetics
Chapter 15. Adjuncts to Anesthesia

Section III. Regional Anesthesia & Pain Management
Chapter 16. Spinal, Epidural, & Caudal Blocks
Chapter 17. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
Chapter 18. Pain Management

Section IV. Physiology, Pathophysiology, & Anesthetic Management
Chapter 19. Cardiovascular Physiology & Anesthesia
Chapter 20. Anesthesia for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
Chapter 21. Anesthesia for Cardiovascular Surgery
Chapter 22. Respiratory Physiology: The Effects of Anesthesia
Chapter 23. Anesthesia for Patients with Respiratory Disease
Chapter 24. Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery
Chapter 25. Neurophysiology & Anesthesia
Chapter 26. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery
Chapter 27. Anesthesia for Patients with Neurologic & Psychiatric Diseases
Chapter 28. Management of Patients with Fluid & Electrolyte Disturbances
Chapter 29. Fluid Management & Transfusion
Chapter 30. Acid–Base Balance
Chapter 31. Renal Physiology & Anesthesia
Chapter 32. Anesthesia for Patients with Renal Disease
Chapter 33. Anesthesia for Genitourinary Surgery
Chapter 34. Hepatic Physiology & Anesthesia
Chapter 35. Anesthesia for Patients with Liver Disease
Chapter 36. Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease
Chapter 37. Anesthesia for Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
Chapter 38. Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery
Chapter 39. Anesthesia for Otorhinolaryngological Surgery
Chapter 40. Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery
Chapter 41. Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient
Chapter 42. Maternal & Fetal Physiology & Anesthesia
Chapter 43. Obstetric Anesthesia
Chapter 44. Pediatric Anesthesia
Chapter 45. Geriatric Anesthesia

Section V. Special Problems
Chapter 46. Anesthetic Complications
Chapter 47. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Chapter 48. Postanesthesia Care
Chapter 49. Critical Care

Book details:
Author:Edward Morgan Maged S. Mikhail Michael J. Murray
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Medical; 4 edition (August 26, 2005)
Size: 12,844 MB
Format:html with hyperlink

password :DrWael

Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease

Anesthesia for Congenital Heart Disease will provide a state of the art summary of the many changes occurring in this rapidly evolving field over the last decade. The unique value of this book is that all chapters are written by leaders in the field of congenital cardiac anesthesia, who perform large numbers of cases clinically, and contribute important knowledge to the research literature, both clinical and basic science. A wide range of contributors from all of the major congenital heart surgery programs in North America give a broad range of perspectives not seen in previous texts in this field. This text will be the leading book in this subspeciality - the most comprehensive, detailed and specific, from the perspective of multiple institutions. Emphasis on new and emerging developments in anesthetic drugs and techniques occurs in each chapter. New chapters on subjects that have never before been addressed in a textbook of pediatric cardiac anesthesia include cardiac catheterization laboratory anesthesia, computers and technology, neurologic monitoring, bleeding and coagulation, approach to the teenager and adult, approach to the premature newborn, the inflammatory response, regional anesthesia and pain management, airway and ventilatory management, dysrhythmia management, non-cardiac surgery and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging; and research, teaching and administration.

Book details:
Author:Author: Isobel A. Russell Stephen A. Stayer
Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Professional
Pages: 512
Size:8,1 MB


Thursday, July 5, 2007

Statistical Methods for Anaesthesia and Intensive Care

Statistics is traditionally perceived to be a difficult topic, however, it is essential for the trainee to develop a basic understanding of its fundamental principles. This book is designed to help the reader systematically learn the basics, using real examples from anaesthetic and intensive care literature to illustrate the principles discussed and relate them to practice.

Book details:
Author:Paul S. Myles Tony Gin
Publisher:Butterworth-Heinemann; 1st edition (October 15, 2000)
Size:807 KB


Monitoring Level of Consciousness during anesthesia & sedation:A Clinician’s Guide to the Bispectral Index

The Bispectral Index® (BIS®) is a measure of the effects of anesthesia
and sedation on the brain, a new “vital sign” that allows clinicians to deliver anesthesia with more precision and to assess and respond more appropriately to a patient’s changing condition during surgery. As such, it is an important advance in the field of anesthesiology driven by the desire to improve patient care.The writing, development and production of Monitoring Level Of Consciousness could not have occurred without the tremendous aid and participation from numerous individuals. In many ways, it represents the experience, perspective and collaborations between my clinical practice colleagues and many individuals at Aspect Medical Systems.

Book details:
Author:Scott D. Kelley, M.D.,
Publisher:Aspect Medical Systems, Inc.
Size: 4,629 MB
Format: pdf


Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests

What tests do I order, and what do the results mean? Here is the compendium that provides the answers--quickly and clearly--for a vast range of adult and pediatric conditions. This thoroughly updated Seventh Edition of Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests is a must for residents and practitioners in every specialty.
Arranged by organ system, the book summarizes the available tests for most diseases, explains what the results would mean, and discusses differential diagnoses. This edition features major revisions in cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, metabolic and hereditary, and genitourinary chapters, plus highlighted Key Diagnostic Finding information to aid accessibility. Readers can search for information in the way that best suits their needs--by index, table of contents, test results, or specific disease. Also included are extensive tables of normal and panic values, tables comparing test results in similar diseases, and an appendix of conversion factors between conventional and SI units.
This book was written to improve laboratory utilization by making it simpler for the physician to select and interpret the most useful laboratory tests for his clinical problems.

Book details:
Author:Jacques Wallach, MD
Publisher:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
Size: 16,690 MB
Format: Compiled HTML help file chm


Monday, July 2, 2007

Cardiovascular Physiology (Fundamentals of Anaesthesia & Acute Medicine Series)(2nd Ed.)

The second edition of this highly regarded text has been entirely revised, with each chapter containing the latest information and new references. Because of the potential danger to the heart during surgery, a thorough understanding of the workings of the cardiovascular system is an essential requirement for all anaesthetists and intensivists, and this well established book has been recommended as a comprehensive and authoritative reference, dealing with the clinically most relevant areas. The enhanced second edition will prove of lasting value to those studying for their final specialist examinations, as well as to qualified specialists.
Table of Contents:
Cardiac cellular physiology and metabolism
Ventricular performance
Cardiac electrophysiology
Coronary physiology
The pulmonary circulation
Cardiovascular control mechanisms
Cerebral circulation
Renal, splanchnic, skin circulation, muscle circulation
Anaesthesia and the cardiovascular system

Book details:
Author:Hans-Joachim Priebe and Karl Skarvan
Publisher:Blackwell BMJ Books
Size: 4,339 MB
