Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Perioperative and critical care medicine educational issues 2005

The mission of health operators and hospitals is nowadays patient satisfaction, which is to be achieved through the provision of high-quality medical care and the training of graduates and postgraduates with the highest level of proficiency, integrity and skill. This book offers a broad panorama of recent progress in the fields of perioperative medicine, critical care and end-of-life care, thus contributing to achieving these aims in the fields of anesthesia and critical care.

Book details:
Author:A. Gullo, G. Berlot
Publisher:Springer; 1 edition
Size:3,983 MB


Monday, October 29, 2007

Molecular Bases of Anesthesia

Molecular Bases of Anesthesia provides a clear overview of the state of knowledge about anesthetic mechanisms at the molecular level of occurrence and focusing on the latest state-of-the-art techniques that relate to how anesthetic drugs cause unconsciousness. With contributions by leading experts, this timely book includes chapters on how to evaluate theories of anesthesia in general and includes discussion of some of the techniques, such as genetics, that can be used to address problems. Also discussed are anesthetic actions at major brain targets with a special emphasis on ion channels and areas of controversy in the field. This reference provides a broad survey of anesthetic actions, including hyperbaric pressure and anesthesia; volatile anesthetic interactions with proteins; and structure activity relationships of volatile anesthetics. Molecular Bases of Anesthesia stands alone as an in-depth, authoritative guide.

Book details:
Author:Eric Moody , Phil Skolnick
Publisher:CRC; 1 edition (December 28, 2000)
Size:3,676 MB


Sunday, October 28, 2007

Seizures in Critical Care: A Guide to Diagnosis and Therapeutics (Current Clinical Neurology)

A panel of international ICU and epilepsy physicians and researchers detail the epileptic phenomena that occur in the complex environment of the ICU. Focusing on the central nervous system, the authors systematically examine the most up-to-date evidenced-based data regarding ICU seizures, including their most frequent causes, their pathophysiology, their clinical presentation, and the diagnostic evaluation needed to confirm their presence. They also discuss the challenges and specifics of the management of ICU seizures, reviewing the new antiepileptics and their interaction with other ICU medications, drugs with epileptogenic properties used in the ICU, and the role of the new enterally available antiepileptics in treating seizures. Numerous tables summarize drug interactions, neuroimages reveal common ICU seizure etiologies, and multiple electroencephalographic recordings demonstrate clinical or subclinical seizures in ICU patients.

Book details:
Author:Panayiotis N. Varelas
Publisher:Humana Press; 1 edition (November 16, 2004)
Size: 4,128 MB


Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery

One major by-product of the aging baby-boom generation is a surging interest in cosmetic surgery. Although procedures like facelifts and abdominoplasties (the 'tummy-tuck') are considered minimally invasive, the anesthetic protocols and regimens here are often overly complex and unnecessarily toxic. This reference will focus on all of the procedures that the anesthesiologist needs to be proficient in to adequately care for this group of patients. Perioperative care and pain management will be covered for the full spectrum of operations, and there will be special emphasis on level-of-consciousness monitoring of these patients.
Part I. Minimally Invasive Anesthesia (MIA) for Minimally Invasive Surgery:
1. Propofol ketamine with bispectral index (BIS) monitoring
2. Preoperative instructions, intra-operative environment Barry L.
3. Level of consciousness monitoring
4. The dissociative effect and pre-emptive analgesia
5. Special needs of cosmetic dental patients
6. PK in the UK, PK beyond cosmetic surgery
7. PK beyond cosmetic surgery: uses of PK MAC for mass casualty situations
8. Lidocaine toxicity
9. Local anesthetic blocks in head and neck surgery Joseph Niamtu;
10. Local anesthetics and surgical considerations for body contouring
Part II. Alternative Anesthesia Approaches in Cosmetic Surgery:
11. Intravenous anesthesia for cosmetic surgery
12. Regional anesthesia for cosmetic surgery
13. General inhalation anesthesia for cosmetic surgery
Part III. Other Considerations for Anesthesia in Cosmetic Surgery:
14. Preanesthetic assessment of the cosmetic surgery patient
15. The psychology of the cosmetic surgical patient
16. The business of the office anesthesia
17. The politics of office anesthesia
18. Staying out of trouble: the medicolegal perspective
Appendix A. A guide to perioperative nutrition

Appendix B. Reflections on 30 years as a defense expert witness

Book details:
Author:Barry Friedberg
Publisher:Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (April 9, 2007)
Size: 4,77 MB


Friday, October 19, 2007

Body Simulation for Anesthesia (Software)

Body Simulation for Anesthesia is software for teaching and training in the field of anesthesia. A detailed and graphically pleasing user interface has been customized to represent the operating room environment. Users may explore a myriad of scientific and clinical aspects as they run through life-like cases. The detailed model allows administration of IV lines, fluids, injected and inhaled drugs and agents, anesthesia machine and ventilator settings, and many more clinical maneuvers. Extensive plotting a graphing features make exploration of internal processes fun, exciting, and informative.
Body Simulation for Anesthesia is an interactive PC-based multi-media software program. It is a simulation of the anesthesia work environment that is centered around a sophisticated mathematical model of human physiology and pharmacology. The program provides a multimedia presentation of the patient and the anesthesia workstation such that users may interact with the software to do actions that would be done during an anesthetic case. The goal of the software is to provide users with the opportunity to run through the all intellectual motions, to the extent limited by a multimedia simulation, that would normally be routine, or not so routine, during the anesthetic delivery process.
(This Demo version).

Software Details:
Created by:N. Ty Smith, M.D. Terence M. Davidson, M.D.
Publisher:Advanced Simulation Corporation
Size:11,88 MB


Miller's Anesthesia, 6th Edition (chm)

"Miller's Anesthesia is without a doubt a complete and thorough reference of current knowledge in the field of anesthesia. Its strenght lies in its use of a wide range of recognized authors, contributors, and consulting editors, as well as a plethora of scientific information and extremely well-referenced chapters. Miller's Anesthesia is a reference text that every clinician should own or, at the very least, have access to. There are other reference books that provide quick summaries of various topics, but they should not be a replacement for such an in-depth and complete text.
There are significant new chapters in the Sixth Edition. Some of these reflect the importance of new developments in medicine and society as they relate to anesthesia. Perhaps chief among these is the chapter about medical concerns associated with chemical and biologic warfare. Other new additions include chapters about implantable cardiac pulse generators, perioperative blindness, anesthesia for robotic surgery, and human performance in patient safety. It is worth noting that, by and large, the existing chapters from previous additions seem to have been updated with more recent information. In fact, some of these chapters are by new authors and have been completely revised.

Book Details:
Author:Ronald Miller

Publisher:Churchill Livingstone

Size:74,737 MB
Format: Compiled html help file (CHM


Miller's Anesthesia, 6th Edition (pdf)
Miller's Anesthesia 5th edition

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pulse Oximetry

Pulse oximetry has so enhanced the delivery of safe medical care that to do without it now seems unthinkable.
This invaluable guide to one of the fundamental monitoring techniques in anaesthesia has been updated throughout, and a new chapter has been added on high altitude and flying. Written by a leading recognised expert in the field, this is an authoritative yet clear and practical guide for all on the surgical ward and critical care unit.
Table of Contents:
optical principles
how pulse oximetry works
physiology of oxgen transport
general clinical applications
pulse oximetry in high altitude flying
fetal pulse oximetry

Book details:
Author:John Moyle
Pubisher:Blackwell BMJ Books
Size:667 KB


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Complications of Regional Anesthesia

Completely updated and expanded, this new edition of "Regional Anesthesia: Managing Complications", 2nd edition is essential reading for advice on the prevention and management of complications associated with regional anesthesia and nerve blocks. In addition to comprehensive coverage of all potential pitfalls a practitioner may encounter, new material has been added comparing outcomes of regional and general anesthesia; regional anesthesia in the anesthetized patient; closed claims analyses; and practice guidelines to ensure patient safety.

Book details:
Author:Brendan T. Finucane
Publisher:Springer; 2nd ed. edition (April 2, 2007)
Size:5,761 MB


Saturday, October 6, 2007

Conscious Sedation in Gastroenterology: A Handbook for Nurse Practitioners

In retrospect, the dosage of IV sedatives used in the early days of endoscopy both in the USA and Great Britain was frequently too high. Today we are much more careful in the way we sedate patients being acutely aware of the fact that if the patient becomes unresponsive and verbal contact is lost then, by definition, a general anaesthetic has just been administered with all the clinical and legal implications that this holds. This expertly written book examines all aspects of conscious sedation and will be an essential reference for nurses and other health professionals involved in the clinical care of patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures that require conscious sedation. Each chapter covers a particular area of the practice of conscious sedation and the authors come from a wide spectrum of clinical specialities
This expertly written book examines all aspects of safe conscious sedation and will be an essential reference for nurses and other health professionals involved in the clinical care of patients undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic procedures that require conscious sedation. Each chapter covers a particular area of the practice of conscious sedation and the chapter authors come from a wide spectrum of clinical specialties.

Book details:
Author:Meg Skelly

Publisher:Whurr Publishers; 1 edition (November 1, 2002)

Size:781 KB



Clinical Anesthesiology - 4th Ed. (chm)

Clinical Anesthesiology integrates succinct coverage of basic principles and clinical considerations in the anesthetic management of patients. It features up-to-date discussion of all relevant areas within anesthesiology, including equipment, pharmacology, regional anesthesia, pathophysiology, pain management, anesthetic management, and critical care. Extensive use of case discussions, figures, and tables in each chapter promotes application of the concepts to practice.
Front Matter
Introduction to Clinical Anesthesiology
1. The Practice of Anesthesiology
Section I - Anesthetic Equipment & Monitors
2. The Operating Room: Medical Gas Systems, Environmental Factors, & Electrical Safety
3. Breathing Systems
4. The Anesthesia Machine
5. Airway Management
6. Patient Monitors
Section II - Clinical Pharmacology
7. Inhalation Anesthetics
8. Nonvolatile Anesthetic Agents
9. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents
10. Cholinesterase Inhibitors
11. Anticholinergic Drugs
12. Adrenergic Agonists & Antagonists
13. Hypotensive Agents
14. Local Anesthetics
15. Adjuncts to Anesthesia
Section III - Regional Anesthesia & Pain Management
16. Spinal, Epidural, & Caudal Blocks - Wayne Kleinman, MD,* & Maged Mikhail, MD
17. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
18. Pain Management
Section IV - Physiology, Pathophysiology, & Anesthetic Management
19. Cardiovascular Physiology & Anesthesia
20. Anesthesia for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
21. Anesthesia for Cardiovascular Surgery
22. Respiratory Physiology: The Effects of Anesthesia
23. Anesthesia for Patients with Respiratory Disease
24. Anesthesia for Thoracic Surgery
25. Neurophysiology & Anesthesia
26. Anesthesia for Neurosurgery
27. Anesthesia for Patients with Neurologic & Psychiatric Diseases
28. Management of Patients with Fluid & Electrolyte Disturbances
29. Fluid Management & Transfusion
30. Acid-Base Balance
31. Renal Physiology & Anesthesia
32. Anesthesia for Patients with Renal Disease
33. Anesthesia for Genitourinary Surgery
34. Hepatic Physiology & Anesthesia
35. Anesthesia for Patients with Liver Disease
36. Anesthesia for Patients with Endocrine Disease
37. Anesthesia for Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
38. Anesthesia for Ophthalmic Surgery
39. Anesthesia for Otorhinolaryngological Surgery
40. Anesthesia for Orthopedic Surgery
41. Anesthesia for the Trauma Patient
42. Maternal & Fetal Physiology & Anesthesia
43. Obstetric Anesthesia
44. Pediatric Anesthesia
45. Geriatric Anesthesia
46. Anesthetic Complications
Section V - Special Problems
47. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
48. Postanesthesia Care
49. Critical Care

Book details:
Author:G. Edward Morgan, Jr., MD Maged S. Mikhail, MD Michael J. Murray MD, Ph
Publisher:McGraw-Hill Medical; 4 edition (August 26, 2005)

Size:15,111 MB

Format:Compiled HTML help file(chm)


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Antiemetic Therapy

Prevention and treatment of nausea and emesis are important issues in a patient's wellbeing in the clinical setting as well as for the outpatient. Various and still partly unresolved pathomechanisms play a role in nausea and emesis in humans. It is therefore important to compare results from preclinical research in animal models with results from clinical studies. This book combines an overview of the preclinical research on antiemetic drugs and state-of-the art reviews on the prevention and treatment of nausea and emesis. Established treatment regimens are compared with new interesting compounds in clinical trials. An up-to-date overview of the selection of antiemetic drugs, of their dosage and route of administration is given for clinical conditions such as emetogenic anti-cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, and hyperemesis gravidarum. The treatment of nausea and emesis in opioid therapy and in motion sickness is equally outlined.

Book details:
Author: Josef Donnerer
Publisher:Karger (2003)


Size:2,115 MB

Format: pdf

