Friday, December 30, 2016

Medically Complex Patients, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics (Dec 2016 issue 34)

This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics covers Medically Complex Patients. Topics: The Anesthesia Patient with Concomitant Cardiac and Pulmonary Disease; Anesthesia for the Patient with Concomitant Hepatic and Renal Impairment; Anesthesia for Patients with Concomitant Cardiac and Hematologic Disorders; Surgical Critical Care for the Trauma Patient with Cardiac Disease; Surgical Critical Care for the Patient with Sepsis and Multiple Organ Dysfunction; Anesthesia for Patients with Concomitant Cardiac and Renal Dysfunction; Anesthesia for Medically Complex Patients with Anemia; and more!